Wednesday, May 29, 2013

NOCC 5k run/3k walk for Ovarian Cancer

Mark your calendars for September 29,2013 and go register for the walk/run in Annapolis,Maryland to break the silence on Ovarian Cancer! It's only $25 to register, most of us spend that on our lunch. Join my team lets make a difference. Together we can break the silence. Don't feel pressured to run, because I will be walking, but in all seriousness, everyone wants to know how they can help by getting people signed up for this walk. By breaking the silence on ovarian cancer. Making a difference is the only way. 

Email me to be a part of the movement


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The strength above

As long as there is someone in the sky to protect me there is nothing on this earth that can break me.


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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Ode to Elan

So before I get into this post I have to tell you the story of a lifetime. So were at Courtney's graduation and mom jacks seats from this guy. Then his family comes and she refuses to move. I told her this was not Bowie State University and we are at UMBC they will have security kick her out. So for anyone who does not believe me my MOTHER IS RATCHET! Okay, now back to my real blog post the moment I saw Courtney walk across the stage last year I nearly cried. This year I don't think I will cry but just be a proud sister. If you know anything about me you know first and foremost I am the BIGGEST little sister ever. I steal her clothes, wear her shoes, borrow her jewelry, giver her boyfriends a hard time the list goes on. I am proud of every moment she has, and everything she accomplishes. In perfect honesty I envy my sister her drive to do everything under the sun is like none I have ever seen.

Imaging your little sister going thru cancer, chemo, and her life crumbling, the entire family worried about her, you her BIG SISTER often times the only person she will talk to. Courtney has wiped countless tears from my face, she has given me unimaginable support, and unparalleled love even when I may have not deserved it. If you still don't understand maybe its because you hate your siblings or don't have any, but my sister is everything my therapist, my ATM, my guru, my heart and soul, and while I bring nothing but craziness to her life she brings me peace, serenity, and happiness. When she needs silence to study, i'm usually having a meltdown she deals with me and always gets back to business. Courtney is an incomparable woman and I have never been so proud to call anyone my sister, my best-friend, my everything. As I am sitting here blogging i'm remembering all the times she told me she was struggling and she didn't think she would finish. Yet, here she is preparing to walk across the stage.

 Her Masters Degree from the college of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences at University of Maryland Baltimore College with a degree in Applied Sociology. It took her 1 year. She graduated with her bachelors degree last year and now one year later she is graduating again. So this is for you my rock, I pray you enjoy the moments that you have endured stress, turmoil, sleepless nights and everything else that comes with being a student, because these moments have made you the fearless woman you truly are. You have taught me how to be an amazing person by showing me what I should aspire to be. I have truly admired everything you have done from wiping my tears away to showing me what I want to be when I grow up. I know you will continue to make me proud, and I know you will continue to push for greatness and to impact everyone around you. I truly love you more than anything you will ever know and thank you for everything you do for me and I know your going to do for me in the near future and down the line. Thank you Elan for being everything thing I have always needed.


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Sunday, May 19, 2013

Beyond what the eyes can see

There comes a time when I truly get tired of Cancer. In all honesty I am so over this "sickness" that is supposed to be"hindering" me. Then people ask me how am I doing so well. Uh, number one i'm not doing as well as you think I am doing and number two I kind of like living. I'm not really finished with my story here on earth in my personal opinion. Lately life has been annoying, everyone around me graduating is irritating enough, then my sister once again the over achiever graduating again. ANNOYING!

 In all perfect honesty I am not thrilled about this appointment on Tuesday. I just know it going to be the same old thing. I don't think I will truly be satisfied until have no chance of having cancer again. I think the most stressful part of everything is the factor that is unknown The unknown is the scariest part of being sick, the fact that you can wake up feeling terrible one day and then feel fine the next moment. The fact that I can leave the house and by the time I reach my destination i'm exhausted or i'm throwing up my life. Not knowing your fate is particularly hard when your young, now add in being sick, and trying to pretend like your normal.

Can we say epic fail. Everyday is a test, and I would truly like to say I must be winning because I open my eyes everyday and by the grace of God I exhale. Big appointment on Tuesday. I need a low stress Monday and a good Tuesday morning. Let's all pray I get what I need.


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Friday, May 17, 2013

BSU Graduation!!!

Okay so I'm sitting here waiting for 2013 commencement to begin and I must say i'm a little sad im not graduating. I am completely aware that for the last year and a half I have been sick but I truly do hate that I am not going out with the people I came in with. While yes there are plenty of people that came in with me that are not graduating today but in the vision that I always saw for myself I was graduating. It's not that I am trying to rush anything but I feel out of place at times


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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

When things fall apart

Sometimes there is nothing that can be done to cheer you up other than the smile of a child. It's funny how children can always put a smile on your face, even when you want to be mad they say sorry and somehow everything is alright. Well about a dozen children put a smile on my face in the shape of get well soon cards. Early yesterday my sister asked me was someone coming to drop something off at my house I told her I was not expecting anyone. She opened the door and there was a teal gift bag left outside.

When I opened the bag it was cards from  students in Huston. They have been reading my blog and they all mad me Get well soon or stay strong cards. I almost cried when I realized what they were. So quick sidebar but I want to thank all the girls in Ms. King's class you are all awesome and put the biggest smile on my face on Monday. I've been so saddened by the things that have been happening to me lately that I forget about all the good things that happen. Cidney's students were truly a godsend to me. So of your reason for this blog post right now thanks so much guys. You truly have made me smile.


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Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Your Dash

There is no reason I went off the grid this past week the way I did other than pure exhaustion. Last Sunday I went with my Auntie Yvette on a quick trip to Farmville, VA to check on her mother who was being admitted to the hospital. The 4 hour trip made in 3 hours Auntie Yvette was on edge. I can almost always read Auntie Yvette but in the car I could tell nothing other than she was purely terrified of the realization that this could very well become the worst possible scenario situation for her mother. Then I knew she thought of Markus in school at Mississippi State who was studying for his finals, and of her sister who was on the west coast. All of these thing surrounded her thoughts and I could see them on her face. When we arrived to the hospital the doctor expressed to us how sick she truly was, the hole in her large intestine was poisoning her and she was going to be in critical condition for the next several hours.

Monday morning Ms. Evelyn went home to be with the Lord. As Auntie Yvette struggled to keep herself together, I quickly strengthened up for the both of us. What I have learned this past week about death is that if anything it comes in time to be the peace that we all are lacking. Timing is key to all things and God's timing never falls short of anything less than perfect. Death is the most terrifying thing in my opinion. Although I fully believe that Jesus died on the cross for my sins so I can have everlasting life. Although all this is true the reality of the situation is that everyone dies. People live to die. The most important thing about life is what you do with the few short years we have on this earth. I'm sure most of my blog readers has herd of the poem "The Dash" if  you have not you must read it. The poem is about death and how the dash between your sunrise and sunset represents life, moreover what you do with that dash.

When you die what will people say about you. How will people honor you at your funeral, will people speak highly of you or will your death go unnoticed. Death will come to us all but until then we all have to live life like we will not die. Live life like your going to impact the world, life like everyone will remember you for what you have done. That is what my dash will mean. My dash will stand for everyone who became aware of my efforts to raise awareness for Ovarian Cancer. When I die my family will mourn but they will remember my dash. I will remember Ms. Evelyn's dash along with the rest of my loved ones will I will see sooner then later. People want to know why I have not let cancer rule my life because I want my dash to speak more than cancer I want my dash to speak life. What will your dash say about you, will it speak life or death.

The Dash By: Linda Ellis


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