Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Blank Spaces

With my birthday so close around the corner would you be surprised if I told you that I was not the least bit excited. I think I lost all motivation for all good things in January. Perception is key. I have given off the perception that all is well and that I am in a good space. Honestly I'm not at all. Health wise, mentally I am not in a good space at all. Do me a favor lend me your prayers.



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Monday, June 24, 2013

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

God and his small works

Why is it that the moment your ready to give up and give in on life something amazing happens. Lately I've been slipping in and out if this nasty funk. Today was not the day for me at all but I put on my plastic smile and headed out the door. My day in the gym was ok. My ankle was bothering me so much I barley made it to 11:30 am to break for lunch. I've been so exhausted every day I feel like I'm literally wearing myself thin. So when the opportunity came to get away for a bit I jumped.

 On our way back to camp I saw probably the most beautiful rainbow I've ever seen. Like the whole rainbow I really needed to see that. It was like a breath I fresh air to me when I saw it I remembered things are going to be fine. God never seems to fail us and always sees us through I just know that the rainbow was his little way of making me forget me worldly troubles and remember that he still is the one who holds all the cards. 



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Thursday, June 13, 2013

Monday Blues

Monday was the worst day ever! I was on hill duty and busted my butt! Now I have a busted ankle and camp is no longer fun. Im in a big dumb ugly boot! UGH How did I ever fall. WALKING of all things. By the way my wifi is the absolute worse up here when I go home for the weekend whenever I do I will look into getting a wireless hotspot. Until then sing up for my Ovarian Cancer Walk!

NOCC 5K Walk/Run to Break the Silence


The Teal Diaries is the name of my team!



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Sunday, June 2, 2013

Peace and Serenity

My slice of happiness is in nature. I always find happiness in God's green earth. Now don't get it twisted I am not an outdoors person if I had it my way I would take the beautiful views without the animals that come with God's green earth. So I took the position that I have really wanted now or the past two years at Camp Woodward. So i'm up in PA working coaching gymnastics and forgetting about my cancer, forgetting about my problems, and enjoying my life.

Having cancer at a young age makes you do a lot of things that you wouldn't normally do, the main thing it made me do was want to live everyday like it was my last. When I finally accepted that God will take me when he's good and ready and regardless of my cancer or not I was able to slow my roll. Being up here is a truly rewarding experience. Not only am I doing what I truly love but I am also slowing things down and truly getting back to a schedule with my life. Cancer will always have control of my life if I allow it to, and this is me not allowing cancer to rule me. This girl will not lose.


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