Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Ode to Elan

So before I get into this post I have to tell you the story of a lifetime. So were at Courtney's graduation and mom jacks seats from this guy. Then his family comes and she refuses to move. I told her this was not Bowie State University and we are at UMBC they will have security kick her out. So for anyone who does not believe me my MOTHER IS RATCHET! Okay, now back to my real blog post the moment I saw Courtney walk across the stage last year I nearly cried. This year I don't think I will cry but just be a proud sister. If you know anything about me you know first and foremost I am the BIGGEST little sister ever. I steal her clothes, wear her shoes, borrow her jewelry, giver her boyfriends a hard time the list goes on. I am proud of every moment she has, and everything she accomplishes. In perfect honesty I envy my sister her drive to do everything under the sun is like none I have ever seen.

Imaging your little sister going thru cancer, chemo, and her life crumbling, the entire family worried about her, you her BIG SISTER often times the only person she will talk to. Courtney has wiped countless tears from my face, she has given me unimaginable support, and unparalleled love even when I may have not deserved it. If you still don't understand maybe its because you hate your siblings or don't have any, but my sister is everything my therapist, my ATM, my guru, my heart and soul, and while I bring nothing but craziness to her life she brings me peace, serenity, and happiness. When she needs silence to study, i'm usually having a meltdown she deals with me and always gets back to business. Courtney is an incomparable woman and I have never been so proud to call anyone my sister, my best-friend, my everything. As I am sitting here blogging i'm remembering all the times she told me she was struggling and she didn't think she would finish. Yet, here she is preparing to walk across the stage.

 Her Masters Degree from the college of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences at University of Maryland Baltimore College with a degree in Applied Sociology. It took her 1 year. She graduated with her bachelors degree last year and now one year later she is graduating again. So this is for you my rock, I pray you enjoy the moments that you have endured stress, turmoil, sleepless nights and everything else that comes with being a student, because these moments have made you the fearless woman you truly are. You have taught me how to be an amazing person by showing me what I should aspire to be. I have truly admired everything you have done from wiping my tears away to showing me what I want to be when I grow up. I know you will continue to make me proud, and I know you will continue to push for greatness and to impact everyone around you. I truly love you more than anything you will ever know and thank you for everything you do for me and I know your going to do for me in the near future and down the line. Thank you Elan for being everything thing I have always needed.


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