Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Cheers to amazing friends. How far would you go If your friend or loved one had cancer? The fact that my friends and family have been taking drastic measures to ensure that I feel the support is amazing. Cancer is about what you make it and who you have in your corner and I have all the right people in mine. #teamrecyab



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Monday, February 25, 2013

Still Living

Well as usual, shout out to the lack there of  white blood count which has once again pushed back my chemotherapy  In all honesty I hate going to chemo, and I hate just being off from life. I look around and see everyone moving and it sometimes feels like I'm standing still. If you knew me before the blog, before this cancer thing, then you knew I could never sit still. I was always involved, so at times it's really hard to just stand still. It's honestly getting hard. While I know that God would never put anything on me I can't handle, it's impossible not to ask the question why me. Out of all of the soldiers in his army why was I chosen for this particular task. Honestly that side effects are kicking in, I am so tired these days, but I didn't forget what Momo told me when I had surgery. Get out of the bed and make it up, you can always get back in it later. That is the only thing that keeps me going. I never want to get out of the bed, but by doing so I start the day and find whatever little motivation to do something I still have not lost the urge to do. Live.



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Saturday, February 23, 2013

Die Cancer, Die!

This photo is truly how I feel about Cancer. All cancer not just Ovarian Cancer. I have truly seen what is can do to a person and their spirit, so for that I hope cancer gets a taste I it's own medicine.



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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Seen Unseen

Four years in the making all came down to Saturday night. Senior night, the last home game of my senior year on the team, and I hope you didn't think I was going to miss it. Saturday started off with my PBS interview which went amazing. Ali and the crew were awesome and they loved my family. Once that was finished I got soooooo excited because it was my last home game. That game was everything I needed to say the least. Honestly Bowie State was not my choice school. I really wanted to go to Jackson State in Mississippi, but I was in love with my boyfriend at the time, and I essentially missed out on the opportunity. My best friend also missed out on her opportunity to go to her dream school so we both settled on Bowie. We were roomies while I lived on campus so it wasn't half bad. Any who back to the story, my decision to cheer at Bowie was solely because I had nothing better to do. Let's be honest I didn't even want to go to the school.

My very first practice was ridiculous I was lost and confused and I knew this was going to be a little harder than I anticipated. The CIAA style of cheerleading with it's stomping and shaking was something I had not done prior to that first practice. Everyone was looking at me like who is this chick with two knee braces on. It was a mess. The rest of the summer practices were dedicated to learning cheers, dances and working on stunts for camp. We were the newbies and everybody knew it. We were paired up with big sisters who were to help guide us along the way. Although they were to guide us we really had to stick together to make it. As tradition stood we remained newbies for the summer and the preparations for us to become Bowie State University Golden Girls would begin along with the school year. We were innocent individuals that learned to become a confident unit. We began to move together as one and truly became sisters. We made mistakes along the way but the difference between us and many other teams is the way we worked through them and created bonds so strong that soon petty drama bounced off of us. Our big sisters on the team pushed us so hard we were only destined for greatness, and that's what the past 4 years of cheerleading really was, Greatness.

We were Golden Girls who had persevered through and overcame all obstacles that stood in front of us. We love each other, whole hearted love each other. I know for fact I can call any of my sisters that came in with me for anything. Senior night was the last time we were going to be together on the court, and I can truly say it was the best night we have ever had on the court. I cheered my little heart out and I tumbled too. During the senior presentation I cried because I have truly grown to love these girls and I truly am going to miss the memories we created cheering. However cheering that night gave me something I needed. Adrenaline the rush of controlling the crowd with cheering and dancing. Oh and when I tumbled I had the crowd loving me once again like the did before. Saturday night I proved everyone wrong.

Cancer will not stop me, and chemotherapy will not hinder me. Cheering on Saturday night showed everyone how strong I am. From newbies, to copperheads, to becoming Golden Girls I love me sisters. The Seen Unseen we were named, which humbled us all the same. Nothing will ever compare to my GG sisters the love we share can never be broken, and I truly had the best night I've had in the longest time.


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Saturday, February 16, 2013

On Instagram Straight Flexin

On Wednesday my best friend Jasmine and I planned a nice little girls night. It was going to be nothing big we just wanted to hang, maybe grab a redbox, have a cute little evening. Well that's exactly how it began and it ended pretty epic. Jasmine always said when my hair goes so does hers, and ladies and gentleman on Wednesday at like 10:30 at night we became two bald girls. Shout out to our barber, because one wrong snip and Tori would have had Jasmine looking crazy. After we got our haircuts we immediately whipped out our make up and went to work on our faces. The finished product was pure beauty, not only because we actually are beautiful girls, but because our friendship was beaming through our skin pours.

After a quick photo shoot and pic stitch assembly the only thing that was missing from both of us hitting the upload button were captions, which we all know must be perfect. After a little word play our pictures were on Instagram to see. Now pay attention because this is where the story gets crazy, within in seconds our pictures had hundreds on likes with in hours, tons of re-post's, and comments galore. Between our two pages we have over 2,000 likes on something we thought was normal. All the love we received from the picture was crazy, so many people were directed to my blog to see my story and check me out and be informed about the only reason as to why they are even looking at this picture. OVARIAN CANCER!

That feeling was unreal. If you go back to my very first blog post you get your answer, everyone wants to know why I decided to blog, if for YOU!!! I want to make everyone aware of what is happening right in front of them, and if the only way to do it is from this computer right here then so be it. This cancer caught me off guard, nothing more, and nothing less, and if by reading my blog maybe you catch a symptom a little earlier than you would have otherwise, I am a happy camper. All in all I love the positive feed back from Instagram, we are raising awareness for Ovarian Cancer one step at a time. So my check list is all checked off. Hair cut, check. Girls night, check. Raising awareness for Ovarian Cancer, check. Mission Accomplished.

See the IG post for your own eyes @Jay_Butler @Psst_heyguys


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Monday, February 4, 2013

Super Bowl Aftermath

I legit have a attitude. Shout out to the Ravens winning the Super Bowl but my treatment is in Baltimore so obviously it's a mess. Second I lost the number to call my treatment in so I don't have to wait an hour for my chemo to be made. This is a bad start I the day already. Mornings like this I really do try and have a positive attitude but I just don't. I couldn't find my cheetah print blanket so I had to take another one, and I'm pretty pissed because that's the perfect blanket. Ugh! My life. My hair is slicked back about dry as ever, the traffic is terrible. I know I'm blathering about nothin but my morning is not looking very promising. I initially was happy to have chemo at 8 am because that means I was going to be getting out around 1:30 but now I'm going to be there all day long without hesitation. I am thoroughly pissed!


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Sunday, February 3, 2013

Teal really is a big deal.

Last night during the men's basketball game Coach T does what she does best she embarrasses people. Lol. Just kidding she announced to the audience about my cancer and to read my blog and while I was standing there with Coach D and Jessica I realized this was real. I have these moments ever so often when I realize my cancer is real and it's not a bad dream. She read the first excerpt from my blog and the outpouring of love and support was crazy people I don't know, people from the other school praying for me. I'm so humble to have so many people praying for me there was one particular woman that gave me a donation and gave me a huh and she whispered in my ear "you keep your spirit alive even if your body is dying, once that spirit dies you die" I was alive in the summertime yesterday like something serious! My teammates all had on teal socks and teal ribbon. The men's basketball coaches all had on teal bow-toes and team ribbons the president of the university and his wife had on teal for me and gave me their support. It was like a movie.

Cancer is real not just ovarian cancer, CANCER PERIOD! Irregular cells in your body can and are trying to kill you, I mean hello people wake up and smell the saline drip during chemo. Everyone needs to be more prepared and aware for cancer. Like I said before I'm here to help you and inform you of everything that can happen no need for us all to suffer right. But anyone who was at the game that is reading this post your awesome and thank you for an amazing game last night! Shout out to the men's team for the win and shout out to everyone supporting me Thanks for all the donations for the nonprofit. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you! You have no clue what last night was to and for me. Pics are below sorry for the screen shots from Instagram but I had to get the pictures somehow.


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Friday, February 1, 2013

Any questions?

Weakness is flowing through my body. Irritation. Pain. Suffering, and yet I try to smile. The positive attitude I exude is God. Nothing more nothing less. My cancer is an irregular cell on a mission to ruin my life and yet I have found out everything it can not do.

It cannot cripple my love.
It cannot shatter my hope.
It cannot corrode my faith.
It cannot eat away my peace.
It cannot destroy my confidence.
It cannot kill my friendships.
It cannot shut out my memories.
It cannot quench my spirit.
It cannot silence my courage.
It cannot reduce my eternal life.

My irregular cell on a mission may very well ruin aspects of my life but what it won't do is ruin me. With or without cancer, friends, a job, school or anything else cancer will not ruin me! Marecya Agura Burton. I'm going to beat this. In all honesty the devil has had it out for me since they day I tried to be born. Tried to take me out with the umbilical cord but I made it. That Nast fall down the steps at 18 months, made that too. Car accidents , surgeries, knee problems, life problems, beat all those too so let me tell you what won't happen this cancer won't win. As you were.


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