Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The Silent Killer

Ovarian cancer is the FIFTH most common cancer among women, and it causes more deaths than any other type of female reproductive cancer. So where does it some from you ask, well of course The cause is unknown. But here is where I obviously went wrong. I clearly should have had a kid right out of middle school, statistics show that the more children a woman has and the earlier in life the lower her risk for ovarian cancer, so shooting for kids in my 25-30 range maybe not the brightest idea now.   Birth control pills, decrease the risk of ovarian cancer, so instead of taking birth control in college once again I was too late, maybe after I left elementary school would have been a better move. Seriously what kind of foolishness is this birth control at 12 to prevent cancer.

There is something called awareness people sheesh! Knowing what causes cancer, knowing the signs, the red flags the things you can prevent, and the things you have no control over. Ovarian Cancer is called the SILENT KILLER! I bet you're wondering why...simple because the symptoms are stupid everyday symptoms that nobody ever realizes until it's too late. Watch I'll give you the perfect excuse for every symptom. Bloating: I'm on or coming on my cycle, I just ate, I've been eating and I am getting fat. Difficulty Eating/ Feeling full quickly: I ate like a pig earlier, I guess I was not a hungry as I thought/ my eyes were bigger than my stomach. Lower abdominal pain: I didn't stretch before I worked out, I did too many ab's, I pulled a muscle. Abnormal Menstrual Cycles, The story of every female's life at some point or another. Increased urination: I finally started drinking more water. In addition to all of the symptoms being lame in my opinion you can easily ignore them, but that is not the way to go.

My point is there is a reason for everything. I personally had reasons for every symptom but as women we all need to do a better job of knowing our bodies, and know the things that can happen to our bodies. Yeah I know it wont happen to you, welp...I didn't think it would happen to me and here we are nearly a year later from my first surgery.

Do me a favor Get educated. know the risks, know the symptoms, and be aware. Protect the V ladies! Follow the links for some knowledge!


Ovations for the cure

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  1. You are so right! I laughed at this bc of your response to your symptoms. I'm sure you've freaked some of the readers out, but only making us aware!! You go girl!! And by the way no babies until there is a ring on that finger!!

    Love you !

  2. Your words of experience are appreciated and honored. Each reader. Will take something diffenerent based on who they are and what they need. The fact that YOU are keeping us all informed is juust another indication that God is using your life to send a message and to receive the Glory. I love you and I am proud of you.
